1. I went to UXO School and had to learn about the awesome world of explosives and build explosions for my new career as a UXO Tech I.
2. I've been trying to find a job in said career field, (I'm hoping I got a contract here in Cali, will know soon) and have moved 4 times since February.
I have a confession. That sew-in I got back in December? Yeah, I kept it in weeks past it's expiration date. WEEKS. On Super Bowl Sunday, my lovely Rob helped me take it out. It was ugly and I cried, as usual.
After removing the sew-in, a comb broke off in my nappy head while trying to comb through it. Awesome. |
After a week of wearing my hair tied up like a Siekh, Rob gave me the gift of a hair appointment (which is quite expensive here in Cali) for Valentine's Day. The weather is quite lovely here. It's always at least 70 and sunny. Now, it's close to 90. So I'll blame the Cali sunshine for my delusions at the hair store.
I decided to get a sew-in because what I discovered was quite scary. The Natural Hair Movement is quite militant in LA. We were gonna drive down, make a day of it, and get my hair done. Not only were the prices crazy, but there were salons that required I come in for a hair consultation and discuss my "hair goals." Uh, hair goals? Yeah, I'mma pass. There were a few stylists who got defensive when I asked about a sew-in. They had real spiritual and political convictions about the use of weave. I just wanted to feel pretty and not cry in the mirror. A weave is needed until I get thru this ugly phase. Big ups to the proud sistas with the teeny weeny afros (TWAs). I have a meaty face. I will still rock weave after I grown out my hair, if I want to.
I got Wet N Wavy hair, in 12 inches. I wanted 8 or 10, but they didn't have it. I planned to have my new fierce hairdresser, David, trim a few inches. When I showed him the hair, he immediately told me I made a mistake. I got "Milky Way" brand 100 % Human Hair. He said it was going to shed. That is quite possibly the understatement of the year. I am shedding like a muh-fucka. Yes, that word is the only one that will accurately describe this situation. Like a MUH-FUCKA. I am ready to remove the sew-in, and I'm sure Rob wants me to as well. But it cost me about $300, so I ain't taking it out yet. Shed on.
While Fierce David was doing my hair, he sewed it in on a net cap, which is much more comfortable than having it sewn to my cornrowed scalp. I love the feel of it. That being said, with it being on a cap, and shedding like a MUH-FUCKA, you could see the netting on the top. Not a problem! Fierce David told me I could drop by for a touch-up any time. So I did, and he added more hair to cover the spaces. However, the shedding continues and the netting is now visible again. So, you may see me on MediaTakeOut or LMAO Twitpics for my jacked up sew-in. I am cheap and I am vain-- but cheap always wins.
One of the many spaces that need to be filled in.. |
If you know me, you know I am a huge fan of Janet Jackson. Huge. So is Fierce David. While I was "gettin' m'hurr did," he was playing "Miss Jackson If Ya Nasty." Every Miss Jackson song ever made. Halfway through her Velvet Rope album, Fierce David had convinced me to keep it long. Under the influence of Janet Jackson, this seemed like a great idea. Hell yeah, I should keep it long! All 12, shedding inches of it. In my mind, my life was a music video and required lots of hair flipping. I had dancin' to do. A foot of weave makes daily life difficult. Cooking, sleeping, driving, living-- it's a mess.
Today is Tuesday. By Friday, I will have gone back to Fierce David. I will have him fix my hair and cut off some of this weave. I lost my damn mind out here in California.
You can see the thinning at the top, due to shedding. No bueno. |